Design Patterns
Design Patterns
π Design pattern represent idea not particular implementations.
π Using design pattern code will be more flexible, reusable and maintainable.
π 3 type of design patterns
π Behavioral Design Pattern-
This pattern is concerned with algorithm and assignment of responsibility between objects.
π Creational Design Pattern-
π Creational Design Pattern-
This pattern provides various object creation mechanism which increase flexibility and reusability of code.
π Structural Design Pattern-
π Structural Design Pattern-
This pattern explains how assemble object and classes into larger structure while keeping this structure flexible and efficient.
πCreational Design Pattern
π Singleton Design Pattern:
π Class has only one instance and provide global point of access to it.
Create Singleton class-
➤ Static member - Static instance of singleton class.
➤ Private Constructor - It prevent instantiate of singleton class from outside of class.
➤ Static member - Static instance of singleton class.
➤ Private Constructor - It prevent instantiate of singleton class from outside of class.
➤ Static factory method- It provide global point of access to singleton object and return instance to the caller.
We can create singleton class in multiple ways:
1. Singleton with Lazy initialization
Private static Singleton singleton_instance= null;
Private Singleton(){}
Public static Singleton getInstance(){
If(singleton_instance == null){
singleton_instance = new Singleton();
Return singleton_instance;
2. Singleton with Eager initializations
Private static Singleton singleton_instance= new Singleton;
Private Singleton(){}
Public static Singleton getInstance(){
If(singleton_instance == null){
return singleton_instance;
3. Singleton class in multithreading environment
Private static Singleton singleton_instance = null;
Private Singleton(){}
Public static Singleton getInstance(){
if(singleton_instance == null){
synchronized (Singleton.class){
If(singleton_instance == null){
singleton_instance = new singleton_instance;
return singleton_instance;
π Factory Design Pattern
π Define interface or abstract class for creating object but let subclass decide which class to initiate.
π Subclass is responsible to create the instance of the class
public interface Notification{
void notifyUser();
public class EmailNotification implements Notification{
public void notifyUser(){
public class SMSNotification implements Notification{
public void notifyUser(){
public class pushNotification implements Notification{
public void notifyUser(){
public class NotificationFactory{
public Notification createNotification(String channel){
if(channel == null || channel.isEmpty())
return null;
case "SMS":
return new SMSNotification();
case "EMAIL":
return new EmailNotification();
case "PUSH":
return new PushNotification();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("");
public class NotificationService{
public static void main(String[] args){
NotificationFactory nf = new NotificationFactory();
Notification n = nf.createNotification("EMAIL");
Next patterns Will update soon!!!!
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